Healthy, motivated employees and apprentices are most important to a successful company - this has been known at JOPP for a long time. For this reason, an internal health management had been launched some years ago which regularly offers measures (for example back therapy training, running training) for sustainable improvement of employees' health. In 2016, the automotive supplier offered two extra workshops regarding stress prevention in cooperation with BARMER GEK:
During the one-day "Self-Care-Training", interested employees learned how to better deal with strain on account of wilfull self-monitoring which works preventively. Thanks to practical coping strategy, the personal feeling of stress can be reduced respectively curtailed in its occurrence. This helps to strongly influence both the feeling of stress and negative mood and can help to reduce the individual's stress in job and private life.
The second one-day workshop "AZUBIAKTIV" was aimed at the company's apprentices to sensitize them for health-conscious behaviour. Through self-reflection, self-organisation and corresponding working methods, the apprentices learned how to deal with strain at work and with stress provoking, specific perfomance requirements or fears for the future.
BARMER GEK awarded JOPP for its positive engagement with a certificate. Managing Director Martin Büchs was happy about the appreciation and announced further offers at the company site in Bad Neustadt for the future. "In view of the increasing workload for the individual, the conscious handling of stress will become more and more important in the next years. By training our apprentices, we have created the right basis", Büchs remarked.