JOPP is currently starting an innovative digitalisation project with three trainees. As so-called "Digiscouts", they will search for digitalisation potential in the company, develop project ideas and discuss them with a supervisor. The trainees are distributed among different years and disciplines in order to promote the diversity of ideas.
The trainees have already come up with five approaches, including digital shift planning and a way to make an appointment with the company doctor electronically.
The trainees then put one or more ideas into practice after consultation with the departments. The company provides the resources necessary for implementation.
JOPP uses the young people's interest in digitalisation to make training in the company more attractive and at the same time to benefit the company. The Digiscouts expand their social and digital skills, work together on a digital platform and gain experience in project management.
Managing Director Martin Büchs was very pleased about the initiative: "We have already implemented many digitalisation and automation projects and have achieved a lot so far. But we are sure that there are many more possibilities that can lead to a simplification of processes. The support from the apprentices helps to bring the topic even further forward and to establish it in the company."
As Digiscouts, the JOPP trainees are part of a nationwide project funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics. The Rationalisation and Innovation Centre of German Business (RKW) is implementing this project in Unterfranken. In the process, the apprentices are trained in the methodology of project management and learn to evaluate cost and benefit considerations for each project.
JOPP and its trainees are accompanied by a coach from RKW Bayern e.V. during the approximately six-month project period. The project has a duration of 6 months.