For its 100th anniversary, JOPP donated 5,555 Euros to the German Bone Marrow Donor Center (DKMS). In this way, we support the organization’s vital task of gaining as many people as possible as new stem cell donors for blood cancer patients. With this amount, DKMS could accept 158 additional potential stem cell donors. This means 158 new chances for patients world-wide.
Every 15 minutes a person in Germany receives a devastating diagnosis of blood cancer. Many patients are children or young adults whose only chance of recovery is the provision of donated stem cells. But every tenth patient cannot find a donor.
JOPP Managing Director Martin Büchs and Richard Diem handed over the donation check to donor club member Manual Mainz, who said, that thanks to this financial support, they could welcome many new stem cell donors in their database.
JOPP would especially like to thank all donors and guests of the company anniversary.