As already reported automotive supplier JOPP is currently investing in a new development center in Meininger Strasse in Bad Neustadt. It is intended that products for the automotive industry should be developed there in the future. Until now JOPP has been involved in the following business sectors: machining technology, powder metal technology and gearshift systems as well as electronics and lubrication systems; feeding technology is currently being augmented by IFSYS in Grossbardorf. Now it is intended to add solutions for electric car technology in a new purpose-built building for about 100 employees from all the different corporate departments (sales, development, project management, purchasing, etc.).
The villa located on the site in Meininger Strasse will also be used in this context. A current press release states that the villa which is now empty since the local art association moved out of the building will be renovated and then serve as a tuition center for the JOPP Group. “Both ongoing education and further technological development have always been important to us and will become even more important in the future,” stated Managing Director Martin Büchs. “We need highly trained specialist employees, engineers and management with excellent qualifications. Highly educated people with university degrees can still profit from further education.”
Wolfgang Voll, chairman of the works council, added that more possibilities for blue-collar employees were also required alongside the numerous opportunities for trainees. The modifications in internal work processes also affect, in particular, older employees with many years of service who are not always up to date with the latest scientific developments and state of-the-art technology. “We wish to give everyone the opportunity to progress further. We are not always aware of the full potential hidden in our employees,” the company reports. The works council and management wish at any rate to sing from the same hymn sheet when it comes to securing the future for the company and employees.
To this end the company intends to renovate the Donsenhaug villa which became known as the building used for exhibitions of the art association and to introduce it to its new purpose as soon as possible. In the near future the company intends to name a manager for the JOPP academy as well as in-house and external lecturers.
The company can also envisage working together with other educational institutes or local companies which it considers a particular regional strength to be utilized in order to gain a competitive advantage.