Mr. Stefan Bender
Tel.: +49 9771/9105-132
E-Mail: s.bender(at)
Mr. Stefan Bender
Tel.: +49 9771/9105-132
E-Mail: s.bender(at)
Mr. Michael Böhm
Tel.: +49 2256/38-220
E-mail: m.boehm(at)
Mr. Rigobert Zehner
Tel.: +49 9766/940098-103
E-mail: rigobert.zehner(at)
Mr. Richard Diem
Tel.: +49 9771/9105-252
E-mail: r.diem(at)
Due to the product complexity, JOPP is not able to manufacture all material or parts in-house. Therefore, the Group relies on its partnership with strong and trusted suppliers. Would you like to become a supplier to the Jopp Group, please complete our supplier self-disclosure form in the download area and send it to Mrs Lickart ( JOPP purchasing is organized as per business sectors. Please note the following contact persons:
Mr. Christian Herbert
E-mail: c.herbert(at)
Material Groups Gearshift Systems:
Material Groups Interior Components:
Material Groups:
Material Groups: