The Grand Prix of "Medium-Sized Companies" of the Oskar Patzelt Foundation is on "Medium Sized Tour 2023". This year, up to 15 selected medium-sized and large companies in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg will be visited. Together, the Board of Trustees Chairman of the Oskar Patzelt Foundation, Christian Wewezow, and the managing partner of Startify GmbH, Yannik Rediske, will visit these excellent and future-oriented companies.
Under the motto "Together secure the future - on new ways" the "Mittelstandstour" follows the goal to promote the exchange between medium-size enterprises and participants from politics, economics and science as well as to show the medium-size enterprise its deserved acknowledgment and attention. During this year's "Medium Sized Tour", the experts of the Oskar Patzelt Foundation visited JOPP in Bad Neustadt an der Saale on Monday. The family-owned company stands out above all for its exemplary innovation management, which enables them to continuously optimize processes, develop ideas and open up new business areas. Martin Büchs, JOPP managing director, as well as Dr. Braun, T. Chamilew and S. Guthmann from the pre-development department exemplarily demonstrated the thermal management system in a passenger car developed by JOPP.
The Oskar Patzelt Foundation has been awarding the Grand Prix of Medium-Sized Businesses, probably the most coveted business award in Germany, every year since 1994. The price can only be won by medium-sized companies that have been nominated by third parties for the award. For this reason, the nomination itself counts as great recognition for the performance, commitment and work of the companies.